Research Center in Multiculturalism and Plurilingualism


The aim is to create and to support a platform for collaboration in the research in the fields of multiculturalism and plurilingualism.

The research center provides the researchers and the research group in the fields of Icelandic multiculturalism and plurilingualism an opportunity to carry out some of their research obligations through the center. 



The role and the goals 

  • Organize events to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration between scholars representing interrelated fields 
  • Promote cooperation with community-based organizations concerned with policy and developmental projects 
  • Initiate and coordinate research projects through national and international collaborations
  • Provide opportunities for graduate and post-graduate students for training and participation in research projects 
  • Disseminate up-to-date knowledge and research output, including both practical and scholarly publications and materials 

Chair of the Board 

  • Charlotte Eliza Wolff, Assistant Professor, University of Iceland 


  • Artëm Ingmar Benediktsson, Postdoctoral Researcher, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences 
  • Halldóra Sigtryggsdóttir, Principal, Preschool Ösp 
  • Renata Emilsson Pesková, Assistant Professor, University of Iceland 
  • Saga Stephensen, Project Manager for Multicultural Preschools, City of Reykjavík 







  • Benediktsson, A. I., & Ragnarsdóttir, H. (2020). Icelandic as a second language: University students’ experiences. Tímarit um uppeldi og menntun, 29(1), 1-19.



  • Tran, A.-D., & Lefever, S. (2018). Icelandic-born students of immigrant background: How are they faring in compulsory school? In H. Ragnarsdóttir & S. Lefever (Eds.), Icelandic studies on diversity and social justice in education (pp. 39-59). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 
  • Lefever, S., Tran, A-D. & Emilsson Peskova, R. (2018). Immigrant students’ success in Icelandic upper secondary schools: Teachers’ and students’ perceptions. In H. Ragnarsdottir & L. A. Kulbrandstad (Eds.), Learning spaces for inclusion and social justice: Success stories from immigrant students and school communities in four Nordic countries. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.



  • Emilsson Peskova, R., & Ragnarsdóttir, H. (2016). Strengthening linguistic bridges between home and school: Experiences of immigrant children and parents in Iceland. In P. P. Trifonas & T. Aravossitas (Eds.), International handbook of heritage language education research and pedagogy (pp. 561–576). Springer International Publishing.


  • Icelandic studies on diversity and social justice in education. Published in 2018. Editors: Hanna Ragnarsdottir and Samúel Lefever. 
  • Learning spaces for inclusion and social justice: Success stories from immigrant students and school communities in four Nordic countries. Published in 2018. Editors: Hanna Ragnarsdottir and Lars Anders Kulbrandstad.
  • Fjölmenning og skólastarf. Published in 2010. Editors: Hanna Ragnarsdóttir and Elsa Sigríður Jónsdóttir. 
  • Fjölmenning á Íslandi. Published in 2007. Editors: Hanna Ragnarsdóttir, Elsa Sigríður Jónsdóttir and Magnús Þ. Bernharðsson. Funded by Reykjavíkurborg, Mannréttindanefnd Rvk og Samtökum atvinnulífsins. 

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