Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science: A Nordic Perspective Across Time and Groups of Students.


Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science: A Nordic Perspective Across Time and Groups of Students.


April 23rd 2024



Hótel Reykjavík Natura

Nauthólsvegi 52, 101 Reykjavík

Also available online.

Further information

There is no conference fee. Lunch at the hotel is complementary and light refreshments are provided.


Click here to see a LIVE STREAM of the conference 

Participants who want to watch a live stream of the conference can click on the link above. You will be able to ask questions by writing your name on the right side of the screen under "share your name to join" and then click "join audience". 

Conference program


To celebrate the launch of a new IEA publication a conference will be held in Reykjavik on the 23rd of April 2024. Volume 14 of the IEA Research for Education series is devoted to the analysis of Mathematics and Science proficiency among students in fourth and eighth grades in the Northern countries, using data from TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) with financial support from the Nordic Council of Minsters.

We are happy to announce that the conference will also be available to watch online as a live-streamed event. Please register below to obtain a link to the live stream.


The authors and editors of the publication, representing four Nordic countries, will present their findings and engage in discussions with the audience about their implications.


Special focus will be given to how student achievement and equity change over time in the Nordic countries and on the role of teaching quality and assessment practices. The presenters will also turn their attention toward the role of opportunities to learn in relation to student achievement and in promoting educational equity. The presentations draw on data from TIMSS from 2011, 2015, and 2019.


The conference is intended for all involved in education: School teachers, principals, parents, academics, students, municipality, and government officials.


The conference is held in collaboration with the Nordisk Evalueringsnetwærk (Nordic Group of Evaluation Experts), IEA (The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) and the Ministry of Education and Children in Iceland, with the support of the Directorate of Education, the Teacher‘s Union (KÍ) and the Educational Research Institute in Iceland.

The publication and the conference are funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers who have funded many Northern Light publications devoted to the analysis of international data on education.

The publication

This open-access publication is part of the IEA Research for Education Northern Lights book series entitled „Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science: A Nordic Perspective Across Time and Groups Of Students“.

Conference language

The presentations will be in English. Questions from the audience can be in any Nordic language and will be translated into English.


Please register here, both for online and on site registration:


Follow the link to see the program and venue:

Program and venue

Please book here for accommodation at the conference hotel:

Hotel Reykjavik Natura