ActGreenStory (AGS project)

February 2022 - August 2024 

Through ActGreenStory (AGS), capitalizing on past projects, and innovative education methodologies and trainings for green skills, with the use of digital storytelling and creativity partners seek to empower teachers towards achieving greener behaviors, shaping tomorrow’s climate action change-makers along with the engagement of families, hence following a holistic approach. Digital technologies in all their facets coupled with strong narratives can engage students towards becoming tomorrow’s green stewards. Through this process teachers, students and their environment will identify and act upon environmental problems through creative thinking as active citizens and not just as observers.


  • design new-age educational material for students to use technology towards greener attitudes and actions,
  • empower teachers with new methods and tools to urge them activate students’ inner green activist,
  • create accessible online material for further use and capitalization,
  • develop an interactive online platform for the connection of students from all over Europe to take common actions for climate change and become a living network.

Project partners

University of Iceland, School of Education, Iceland

Stimmuli for Social Change, Greece

Urban Foxes, Germany

IN2 Digital Innovations GmbH, Belgium

CEIP, Los Albares, Spain

Elementary School of Vivlos Naxos, Greece